By utilizing both your SSD and HDD effectively, you can create a Linux system that boots quickly, runs smoothly, and provides ample storage for your files. This setup offers a balance of performance and capacity, making it an excellent choice for many Linux users.

Why Split Your System This Way?

In today’s world of mixed storage solutions, many computers come with both a fast SSD (Solid State Drive) and a larger capacity HDD (Hard Disk Drive). This setup presents an opportunity to optimize your Linux system for both speed and storage capacity. In this guide, we’ll walk through the process of installing your Linux OS on the SSD for quick boot times and responsive performance, while setting up your /home directory on the HDD for ample file storage.

  1. Performance: Your OS and applications load quickly from the SSD.
  2. Capacity: Large files and personal data utilize the HDD’s greater storage space.
  3. Efficiency: This setup optimizes the strengths of both drive types.
  4. Easy Upgrades: Reinstalling the OS doesn’t affect your personal files on the HDD.

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Install Linux on the SSD

During the Linux installation process, choose your SSD as the target drive for the OS. Create partitions as needed, but don’t create a separate /home partition yet.

2. Set Up the HDD Partition

After installation, use a partitioning tool like GParted to create a new partition on your HDD:

sudo gparted

Format this partition as ext4.

3. Mount the New Partition

Create a mount point and mount the new partition:

sudo mkdir /mnt/newhome
sudo mount /dev/sdX1 /mnt/newhome  # Replace sdX1 with your partition
sudo rsync -avx /home/ /mnt/newhome/ # move your existing home to new one 

4. Update /etc/fstab

Edit the fstab file to automatically mount the new partition as /home, add a line like this (use UUID for reliability):

UUID=your-partition-uuid /home ext4 defaults 0 2

Run this command to find your partition’s UUID with: sudo blkid


  • Backups: Always backup your data before making major changes.
  • Performance: Some applications might be slower if they store config files in /home.
  • Space Management: Monitor your HDD usage, as /home can fill up quickly.