The rapid evolution of AI in 2023 was remarkable. We transitioned from general unfamiliarity with AI to seeing job postings for “Prompt Engineers” within a single year. While some predict doom scenarios like:

  • AI replacing human programmers
  • The end of web development

These claims are likely exaggerated. Although the future is uncertain, I’m skeptical of such extreme predictions. The transformative impact of AI is undeniable, but its effects may not be as drastic as some fear.

Anyways, here are some important LLM Prompts for Next.js Development

  1. Code generation:

     Generate a Next.js component for [specific functionality]
  2. Debugging:

     Debug this Next.js code snippet: [paste code]
  3. Performance optimization:

     Suggest ways to optimize this Next.js page for better performance
  4. API integration:

     Write a Next.js API route to interact with [specific API]
  5. State management:

     Explain how to implement global state management in Next.js using [Redux/Context API/etc.]
  6. Routing:

     Create a dynamic routing structure for a Next.js e-commerce site
  7. Server-side rendering:

     Implement SSR for this Next.js page: [paste code]
  8. TypeScript integration:

     Convert this JavaScript Next.js component to TypeScript
  9. Testing:

     Write Jest tests for this Next.js component: [paste component code]
  10. Deployment:

    Explain the process of deploying a Next.js app to [specific platform]


In my early coding days, I intentionally wrote out code examples manually to grasp their functionality. Now, with AI tools like ChatGPT available, it’s tempting to simply copy and paste code without truly understanding it.

This approach might suffice for small-scale projects. However, when you enter the professional world and face complex, large-scale codebases, relying solely on AI-generated code won’t be enough. A deeper understanding of coding principles becomes essential in such environments.